March 2025
    M T W T F S S

    A book, fiction or nonfiction, that shows how a modern day spy with advancements in technology, training and experience in spycraft will run circles around a veteran spy from the 1980s, or even 1990s. I see the trope in modern movies where they show an old spy asking for a gun or preferring an older gas-fuelled vehicle and shunning the use of modern technology.

    From my understanding intelligence agencies have been pioneers in research and application of modern technology in the field. They would use satellites, improved explosives, small-sized surveillance devices, tapping phone lines, and many other things that I have no idea of when the world couldn’t even catch on to them. To think that a spy today would choose to be old fashioned seems a repice for disaster. I would much love to see a story about one such catastrophe.

    by BraveAddict

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