Hi! So I want to buy my friend a book as a gift for her birthday. We both had a huge tumblr phase where we would see quotes and poetry on there that we thought was deep, and I wanted to find something that might be kind of similar? A lot of themes we would resonate with was uplifting tone about self worth, positive affirmations, love or romance, going through hardships (sometimes coupled with seeing light at the end of the tunnel). I wanted to see if y’all had any suggestions for books full of quotes or poems like that! She did enjoy Milk & Honey by Rupi Kaur, but I don’t think she would like something that’s super cheesy like that now. Thanks in advance!
Some quotes she would like:
“You made me realize what it means to really be happy with someone. Everything else pales by comparison. No, after meeting you, I knew there is no comparison.”
“Some I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”
“You don’t need water to feel like you’re drowning, do you?”
“I don’t want to forget; I want to be okay with remembering”
“Your idea of me is not my responsibility to live up to”
by animalcrossingheaux