March 2025
    M T W T F S S

    Overall I did enjoy the book. But I have some issues with it

    It is a slow book at times, but doesnt drag (if that makes sense). I liked the tone, characters and their interactions. If the characters and the humor dont work for you, this will likely be a dud of a read

    But man, not sure what the author was thinking with some of the plotting.

    I didn't like 3 unconnected murders in one place, felt kind of anti climatic and no closure on Bogdan. How does that second part get past an editor? His motive was fine, but no way to get there until he told us. He was my first guess in that he wanted to protect Ian since he had just hired Bogdan, so I had the right killer but no way I would have figured out the motive.

    Elizabeth saying she's going to turn in John just seems cruel at this point, and Bernard that made no fucking sense. In the end we have not one, not two, but three euthanasias just seems a tad too much when none of them made sense other than maybe Penny's

    I do plan to read the rest though as this was fun, also a decent bump in good reads score so hopefully that means the author improves

    What did you all think?

    by ACardAttack

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