March 2025
    M T W T F S S

    i used to be a huge bookworm since a child. i still remember how lost i used to get in the books – as a child i used to read nancy drews, enid blyton books, harry potters, dan brown, khaled hosseini, stephen king, i even read doctors (by erich segal) when i was in 9th or 10th grade lol. i continued to read anything and everything through college, but then i kind of just stopped. life happened, adulting, and then this bubble of social media exploded limiting my attention span to 30 second reels about mindless things that add no value to my life.

    the last book i read completely was gone girl and that was 2 years ago.

    i’ve stopped using social media (best thing i did in recent times, wish i had done that sooner) and im trying to get back to reading. ive tried to pick up a few books like “flowers for algernon”, “the grapes of wrath” but i still find myself picking up my phone after i read a page. my focus is just not there.

    could yall recommend some books that will help me get back to reading, and i mean reading religiously. i want to get back to reading a book a week (idk if im being ambitious here but i think i can). i love fiction, i love gripping thrillers and mystery, i want to read books that keep me hooked. its august and my aim is to complete at least one book this month.

    by Puzzled-Cheesecake34

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