A while ago I've read Botchan, Kokoro and Sanshirō and I though I can't really remember them well, though I remember Kokoro rather well, I found them enjoyable to read but never really felt like writing about them on here. But I only yesterday finished I am a Cat and I am very appreciative to have read that book. I love his inclusion of other writings and teachings so the characters can make sense of the time they are forced to fill in their lives and I really enjoyed the cat who as of yet has no name and his minor conquests, or attempts at, in his own life. I already knew the writer had a fun way to make his books fun to read but for some reason, I am a Cat was so fluid with its's story telling that the mixture of comedic and tragic worked to compliment each other so well that you didn't feel like they were interrupting one or the other. I wish I could say more about the other three I read but I can't remember much of them, only that I enjoyed the writing.
If anyone else has read his work, I'd love to know your thoughts.
by NotBorris