So I just received a book from thriftbooks and it has a library barcode on it that’s been scratched out. Does this mean it was stolen? I really wouldn’t want to keep a book that was stolen from a public library. I know it’s not that hard for a library to replace a stolen book but just the principle of it makes me feel icky. Anyone else encounter this on thriftbooks or similar secondhand book sites?
by 87penguinstapdancing
Thriftbooks sells library books all the time!
Not an expert but I think that’s somewhat common to see when libraries sell off books they used to own, I think my library does something similar.
Our library puts on a sale every year and scratches out the barcodes!
Just for a little more context; the library in my town sells their old books, or ones that don’t get checked out very often, and they always cross out the barcode with a black marker before they do so it can’t be accidentally scanned into the system again.
Unless it was explicitly described as “Ex-library” I’d return it and ask for a refund.
Nope. My library regularly withdraws books from our collection and discards them in exactly the manner you’re describing—scribbling over the barcode. It’s very common. Doubt it’s stolen.